Sup Courses
The Sup for everyone!
JamaKITE has a wide range of SUPs for walks in our lagoon.
The SUP or Paddle Board is suitable for everyone, families and children and will allow you to have fun when the wind is still coming.
Many surfers have converted to this discipline due to its versatility and its effectiveness as a physical training, but its greatest diffusion is taking place thanks to the ease of approach by neophytes. In fact, modern beginner SUP boards have great stability and allow an extremely fast start to sport and fun.
We believe in sport as a form of wellness, fitness and relaxing experience, thanks to the discipline of Stand Up Paddling it is possible to experience the sea in a truly exciting way.
Great benefits in the qualitative profile of physical and mental life await you!
Jamakite Facilities
A perfect Spot
Perfect quivers
JamaKite Comforts